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Nombre de messages : 2299
Date d'inscription : 14/11/2006

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptyLun Mar 02, 2009 9:42 am

Convoy Update
22.30 (GMT) Sunday 1st March 2009


The convoy is in Misrata. The hospitality of the Libyan people, government and the Gaddafi Foundation has left the convoy members in tears.
After the the public rally in Tripoli today, they set off with an additional 60 Libyan vehicles loaded with humanitarean aid and medecine towards the coastal town of Misrata. They were met with jubilant ordinary Libyans who hold Palestine and Gaza close to their hearts.
The organisers and the Gaddafi Foundation are ensuring the smooth and safe passage of the convoy through Libya by providing everything the convoy needs - from free fuel to accomodation and repairs, etc.
This evening, our drivers and their passengers were being driven in coaches to the newly built and inaugurated GAZA VILLAGE on the outskirt of Misrata. It is a tribute to the memory of the fallen martyrs of Gaza and a message to the children of Palestine from a long standing staunch ally of their just cause.
According to Libyan TV News this evening, the convoy could reach 300 vehicles by the time it reaches the border. I have just seen the size of some of the HGV's going to Gaza lined up with ours. It is an awsome sight,a mammoth task only made possible by some legendary men and women.
In one of the speeches today in Tripoli, one of the convoy leaders said to the crowd that this convoy was not just a Viva Palestina British, Islamic, Christian, Arab and European but it was first and foremost humanitarian, where all humanity in all its diverse cultures, languages and religions contributed to it.

One of our convoy members said to the Arabic newspaper Libya Elyoum today "This is the best welcome we received. What is different this time is that the authorities did not try to stop the people mingling and getting close to us, nothing was orchestrated, it was natural and spontaneous.."

Tomorrow is a big day as Libya celebrates the creation of the Republic (Jamahiria).The convoy will head for SIRT where they will savour Libyan hospitality once again.

Prepared and translated by Farid Arada

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Date d'inscription : 14/11/2006

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptyLun Mar 02, 2009 11:47 pm

Rod Cox, l'anglais dont les larmes ont été le sujet d'un post plus haut (à partir de mon blog) fait partie de l'équipage de la Caravane, je l'ai vu tout à l'heure aux infos, mais j'ai pas de vidéo, seulement j'ai trouvé son blog, où il raconte avec photos à l'appui, son aventure de VIVA PALESTINA http://rodcoxandgaza.blogspot.com/

Sinon voici les dernières nouvelles "officielles" :
Convoy Update
19.00 (GMT) Monday 2nd March 2009


'They just would not let us leave without us sharing a banquet lunch with them,' one of our drivesr said about the generous and kind people of Misrata.
In the Amman Family Tourist village by the sea,our convoy enjoyed a well deserved break in a 5* setting of chalets and restaurants.
'These people are the most beautifull people we have encountered, they came in their droves from all over Misrata to see us and savour the moment,' another driver said.
It was not until around 4.00pm our time that they set off for RAS LANOUF, their next stop for the night passing through the city of SIRT.
They all seem in high spirits. It is obvious that Libya has provided them with the facilities to recuperate and recharge before pushing on towards Gaza.
George, who is with the convoy, said to Libya Elyoum newspaper, that it is thanks to the Gaddafi Foundation and its head Seyf El-Islam Gaddafi, that this convoy is enjoying a smooth crossing of Libya, and that he was keen to establish a partnership with this foundation to guarantee the success of the convoy. He also said that 'we say little and achieve much'
George said that theLlibyan contingent of about 100 trucks 'knows the road to Gaza' because they are better than any map in the world in helping our drivers get to their ultimate destination safely.
He goes on to add that a number of British and Egyptian personalities are expected to join the convoy in Egypt including members of parliament and film stars.
As I am writing,they are now stopping KHAZZAN ALKARDABIA where a festive 'gala dinner' awaits them. They will then set off for Ras Lanouf for their overnight stay.
Prepared and translated by Farid Arada
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Nombre de messages : 2299
Date d'inscription : 14/11/2006

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptyMar Mar 03, 2009 10:48 am

By Yvonne Ridley

Interpal news cheers convoy

I promised to write a daily log of my time on the Viva Palestina convoy but my attempts to keep you updated with events have been thwarted ever since we reached North Africa.

There is a very clear agenda by some to keep Gaza out of the news and I am dismayed by the Zionist influence brought to bear in the Maghreb.

First there is the logisitical nightmare of trying to find wifi on the move, or an internet cafe during late night stopovers.

Secondly, internet cafes are few and far between on the open roads and we've seen a lot of them since we entered Morocco and Algeria where both governments seemed keen to keep us out of the main towns and cities.

Finally, all attempts to use the internet were hampered by the less than tolerant Tunisian authorities - but more of them later.

I am now in Libya where our presence is being celebrated in grandstyle by both the authorities and the people, what a refreshing change.

And so I am able to send you this email after driving from the outskirts of Tripoli to the coastal town of Misratah.

Despite being thousands of miles away from home, good news travels fast and so I was delighted to learn Interpal, the UK registered charity that provides humanitarian aid to Gaza, has for the 3rd time been cleared by the UK Charity Commission of malicious allegations made by the US and Israeli governments.

Sadly the bank Lloyds TSB continues to act in line with US and Israeli policy by cutting off banking facilities to Interpal.

But, back to the good news, if you check out the Charity Commission report you will discover the following points:-

* Interpal is cleared of any bias in its work and aid delivery
* Interpal is cleared of the accusation of carrying out non-charitable work
* Interpal’s trustees are cleared of any links to terrorist organisations or activities
* Interpal’s charitable partners are free from any allegations made against them by the BBC Panorama programme and the Israeli Government.

More importantly:-

* The Charity Commission rejects all allegations made and evidence brought against Interpal by the BBC Panorama programme and The Israeli Government
* The American administration failed for the second time to provide the Charity Commission with any credible evidence against Interpal
* Interpal is free to continue its charitable work on behalf of needy Palestinians

The news was greeted with joy by those who know of Interpal's commitment to Gaza and Palestine as a whole and, as a result, convoy drivers added their own support last night.

Irishman John Hurson from Tyrone said he would be donating his huge Daf truck to interpal along with all the contents (and yes, it has been fixed now and as good as new).

Bimringham councillor Mohamed Ishtiaq said he and his crew would do the same with their vehicles.

So, if you want to show your support to the people of Gaza and slap the Zionists in the face at the same time donate your money to Interpal. Go to their website www.interpal.org - go on, do it now.

Editors Note: The Viva Palestina convoy are still taking donations via the website so you now have a choice about who to donate to - or better still donate to both. We hope to be working closely with our long-standing friends at Interpal in the future.

* British journalist Yvonne Ridley and award-winning film-maker Hassan al Banna Ghani are on the Viva Palestina convoy making a documentary about the journey from London to Gaza. Her website is www.yvonneridley.org and you can follow her updates by Twitter or20Facebook

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Nombre de messages : 2299
Date d'inscription : 14/11/2006

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptyMar Mar 03, 2009 11:44 pm

Convoy Update
11.30 (GMT) Tuesday 3rd March 2009


After enjoyiong the hospitality of Ras Lanouf, it was felt that the call of Gaza was getting louder and louder and that the aid has to get there as soon as possible.
Consultations took place between our convoy leaders and their Libyan counterparts and it was decided that the route will be amended to take the convoy through the desert road to the crossing point of AMSA'AD.
This means that they will not go through Benghazi and Bayda where rallies and accomodation had been prepared for them to the disappointment of thousands of Libyans.
After setting off at 08.00am local time,they have just stopped in AJDABIYAH after a 200km treck,for fuel and refreshments.
What awaits them is No Man's Land for another 400km (240 miles). They will be stopping when needed for rest,prayers and food.
Even on the map there are no landmarks and the phone signals can be poor.
I am told that one of north west vans was involved in a minor accident and that ALL ARE SAFE and well. Unfortunately the van could not continue on its epic jouney. The families need not worry as the convoy is united and doing well in its noble mission.
The plan for today is to drive on and stop for the night when it gets dark. If it all goes to plan,there is every likelihood that the crossing into Egypt will take place sometimes tomorrow.
Prepared and translated by Farid Arada
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Date d'inscription : 14/11/2006

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptyMar Mar 03, 2009 11:46 pm

Si tout va bien, ils seront aux portes de l'Egypte demain... et les tractations pour leur passage vont bon train...
George Galloway MP has spent much of the day, 3rd March 2009, in detailed talks with the Egyptian Ambassador in Tripoli and with respresentatives of the ruling party in Egypt. George reports that he is fully satisfied that the Egyptian government is doing everything it possibly can to facilitate the passage of the Viva Palestina convoy into Gaza and thanks them for all their efforts.
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Date d'inscription : 14/11/2006

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptyMer Mar 04, 2009 9:55 am

Au pays de Omar Al Mokhtar, l'aventure de la Caravane pour Ghazza continue, et traverser le désert n'est pas aussi simple que ça.....
Convoy Update
21.30 (GMT) Tuesday 3rd March 2009


Having opted for the short cut through the desert road, the convoy decided to split into two. Many breakdowns have been reported as well as a minor accident with no casualties to report.

Few minutes ago, I spoke to the deputy leader of the convoy who confirm that due to the nature of the terrain and the area, it was necessary to have two convoys, one following the other one. The slower convoy will ensure that the necessary repairs are carried out and no one is left behind whilst the first one pushes on towards Tubruk.

It is estimated that the first contingent will reach Tubruk this evening. The second contingent is about 100-150 km away and they may stop for the night and join the rest tomorrow.

Once in Tubruk, it is planned that the crossing into Egypt will take place on Thursday morning. If the processing of the convoy by the Libyan and Egyptian border control is a smooth one, then they may even start crossing tomorrow afternoon. The Convoy leaders would like to thank the Egyptian government for their help in this matter.

Once in Egypt, the deputy leader confirms that they will not go to Cairo. They will bypass the capital and the route may be subject to last minute changes depending on various factors.

Until both convoys get to Tubruk, the information we are getting remains limited. We will update as soon as proper communication is re-established.

Regards, Farid

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Nombre de messages : 53
Date d'inscription : 25/11/2008

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptyMer Mar 04, 2009 7:02 pm

En Libye ...ou sont les appareils photos ?
Dommage que la médiatisation n'est pas été plus forte ...déjà qu'en Europe on en parle pas du tout de cette caravane!
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Date d'inscription : 14/11/2006

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptyMer Mar 04, 2009 8:11 pm

Il y a une vidéo Medagan, mais je trouve qu'elle est trop....

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Date d'inscription : 14/11/2006

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptyMer Mar 04, 2009 8:17 pm

Convoy Update
12.00 noon (GMT) Wednesday 4rd March 2009


It was an experience they will never forget. Spending a night in their vehicles under the desert moonlight. ' I loved it', one of the drivers said to me. Even for the novice campers, it was a unique insight into the beauty of the desert in the middle of nowwhere.

As I am writing, the first group are 30KM from AMSA'AD border crossing point which is about 2k from the border. The second contingent is not far away.
They will all gather there until tomorrow morning when they are expected to start crossing into Egypt.
Depending on arrangements on the Egyptian side and on the processing time from both the Libyans and the Egyptians border control, they should start the final leg of their epic journey tomorrow.
According to an Email translated from Arabic, sent by the deputy convoy leader, it is likely that the convoy will take the following route: SALUM- SIDI KRIR-INTERNATIONAL HIGHWAY-DUMYAT PROVINCE-ALSALAM BRIDGE-AL-ARICH- RAFAH.
The convoy should reach GAZA on saturday or sunday depending on breakdowns and refuelling times.
Will keep you updated.
Prepared and translated by Farid Arada
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Nombre de messages : 53
Date d'inscription : 25/11/2008

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptyJeu Mar 05, 2009 5:23 pm

Bravo pour cette video même si elle est trop.............................cela fait toujours plaisir d'avoir des nouvelles du convoi !
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Date d'inscription : 14/11/2006

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptyJeu Mar 05, 2009 8:12 pm

Cette fois-ci les nouvelles ne sont pas très bonnes....
Convoy Update
20.00 (GMT) Wednesday 4rd March 2009


This afternoon, a Libyan female journalist on her way to join our convoy, was involved, along with her colleague and a photographer in a road traffic accident, which unfortunately resulted in her death. Her two colleagues were also injured ain the crash, but the extent of their injuries is still unknown.
The leader of the Manchester contingent Talat Ali and Rabah Abdulramuz would like, on behalf of the Viva Palestina British convoy, to pass on their condolences and prayers to the families of the young lady and a speedy recovery for the injured.
They would like to reassure the families back home that all of the British members are safe. However, understandably the mood is very sombre this evening and a Janaza (funeral ceremony) prayer has been organised by the convoy members this evening.
The Convoy are now about 20km from the border with Egypt. The Egyptian government has taken charge of the arrangements to ensure a smooth and comfortable crossing of Egypt by Viva Palestina tomorrow morning.
An official delegate from The National Party is in the border area preparing the welcome. He has informed the leaders of the route they will be taking and of the program of events awaiting them.
What follows is a brief summary, translated from the Arabic program.
Thursday: 05-03-09
Stop at SALUM - Rest-Dinner- Press conference
4pm Leave for MATRUH- Evening meal- Overnight Stay

Friday: 06-03-09
9am Leave for ALAMEIN
12pm Dinner, Stop for special Jumaa (Friday prayers)
3pm RAFED MIAMI- Light lunch
10pm The Arab Contractors Village -Dinner and overnight stay

Saturday: 07-03-09
10am Short press conference
2pm Rest at EAST AL SALAM BRIDGE- Dinner
4pm Set off for EL ARICH
7pm Dinner and overnight stay

Sunday: 08-03-09
10am Public Rally at EL ARICH
11am head for RAFAH CROSSING
12 noon deliver aid to GAZA.

Prepared and translated by Farid Arada
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Date d'inscription : 14/11/2006

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptyVen Mar 06, 2009 9:26 am

ça y est, ils sont en Egypte !!!
Convoy Update
19.00 (GMT) Thursday 5th March 2009


The convoy was over 3 miles long and contained about 220 vehicles. So it was an awesome sight when finally, at about 1.00pm local time, the first vehicles rolled into Egypt, where they were met at the borders by officials and a jubilant crowd.

The Egyptians organised the convoy into smaller groups and set off towards the town of SALUM, their first stop. The convoy was handled with military precision by the army and the police. I am told and everyone was relieved at the speed of the crossing.

In Salum they were met by children, who handed them flowers, and they were warmly welcomed by the people. Then they were taken to a huge tent where a press conference was held and a reception ceremony took place.

Lunch was on the menu, before being whisked away to continue their journey towards the beautiful coastal town of MATRUH.

A lavish reception awaits them in this picturesque part of Egypt where they are expected to enjoy the sea breeze after experiencing the beauty and quietness of the desert.

Overall, a good start to the final leg of the journey. Gaza is getting ever so close and the mission is close to being accomplished.

The Gaddafi Foundation for Charity and Development sent a message to Viva Palestina expressing its sorrow and offering its condolences for the family of the deceased Journalist Souad Abu Shiba and wish a quick recovery for her colleagues Ibrahim Hania, and the photographer Salah Nejm after the tragic car accident which occurred yesterday.

Prepared and translated by Farid Arada

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Date d'inscription : 14/11/2006

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptySam Mar 07, 2009 10:11 am

Deux mails tombés dans ma boite ce matin :

Demain le convoi arrive à El Arish
dimanche manifestation dans la ville et entrée à Gaza
De la part d'Edith Lutz qui fait partie d'un groupe d'internationaux qui sont actuellement devant le poste frontière de Rafah

Un message à diffuser autour de vous
Nous sommes des internationaux (GB, Italie, France, Usa, Suisse, Japon, Allemagne...) en train d'attendre devant le checkpoint de Rafah avec la ferme intention de rentrer à Gaza mais nous sommes également déterminés à briser le siège.
Nous avons besoin de votre aide- soit vous venez nous rejoindre ou vous faites passer l'information autour de vous. Aujourd'hui nous sommes quarante. Demain nous serons plus d'une centaine (la famille de Rachel Corrie sera aussi parmi nous). Le convoi Viva Palestina prévoit d'arriver demain dans la soirée.
Ici à Rafah, nous demandons que davantage de personnes viennent remplacer ceux qui doivent partir. Même si nous ou certains d'entre nous parviennent à passer , la manifestation devrait continuer jusqu' à ce que la frontière soit ouverte.
Nous avons déjà réussi jusqu'ici à tenir bon sans se faire renvoyer. Quelques uns restent sur place jour et nuit. Les autres passent la nuit dans un hôtel tout proche. Les gens se relayent.
Pour des infos supplémentaires, vous pouvez contacter :
Amal (en contact avancé avec Vivapalestina et les autorités égyptiennes et palestiniennes) : ++20177543411
Je me connecte à internet le soir : "Edith Lutz" edith.lutz@gmx.de. Vous pouvez aussi m'appeller : ++15204519740
(lui écrire en Anglais)


Carnet de voyage d'un Bassois dans la caravane "Viva Palestina" : arrivée à Al Alamein
"El Alamein, deuxième étape officielle de la caravane, deuxième réception officielle. Les petits plats dans les grands. Trois grands chapiteaux pour le diner, beaucoup de notables du cru venus en voisin d'Alexandrie. Toujours les deux cars de jeunes garçons en tee-shirts blancs qui se rangent sur deux files à l'entrée et sur signal font le triple banc avec les mains et crient«viva palestina». Le déploiement policier lui aussi est très important.
Cela dit, hier parce que je n'étais pas dans la liste, j'avais été écarté après vérification du passeport du chapiteau officiel. Aujourd'hui, vérification du passeport et changement total: « you are welcome ». Depuis, tout le monde est à mes petits soins, j'ai même pu brancher l'ordi à la multiprise des journalistes. Les médias sont là. Au moins deux équipes télé et les interviews se multiplient.
Grand tralala officiel certes, mais au milieu de nulle part. Bien sûr, au bord de l'autoroute c'est pratique pour les véhicules de la caravane, pour qu'ils parquent et que les caravaniers viennent se restaurer, mais nos amis égyptiens ne se bousculent pas pour en faire un événement populaire.
Si j'ai bien compris, pas d'arrêt prévu dans une grande ville. Et pourtant, Alexandrie, deuxième ville d'Egypte, est à 100 km d'ici et en plein sur le trajet.
Aux dernières nouvelles, Georges Galloway, l'instigateur du projet, n'est pas là, peut-être demain mais ce n'est pas sûr. Et dimanche la caravane franchira la frontière de Rafah pour aller porter sa magnifique aide à Gazah.
Malheureusement ne franchiront que celles et ceux qui sont sur la liste. Rafah Gate est une frontière fermée et pour l'avoir déjà expérimenté à Oujda, comme je ne suis pas sur la liste, je ne franchirai pas. Je viens de prendre contact pour transmettre les médicaments que j'avais amenés, ainsi que l'argent collecté, moyennant un reçu en bonne et due forme. Bien sûr je suis triste de ne pas pouvoir donner la conclusion que j'espérais à cette première tentative.
Les véhicules qui se sont joints à la caravane en Libye sont d'énormes camions chargés et bâchés. Vraiment très impressionnants. Tout comme l'émotion présente chez les nombreuses personnes rassemblées autour de la caravane et qui applaudissent les véhicules quand ils passent.
Quatrième tronçon de la caravane, la température monte, il y a vraiment beaucoup de monde, le dispositif officiel a été noyé dans la foule, tant mieux. Enfin, je suis content !
Allez, j'arrête pour le moment."
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Date d'inscription : 14/11/2006

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptySam Mar 07, 2009 10:26 am

Et puis les infos officielles à partir du site web http://www.vivapalestina.org
Viva Palestina Convoy Update
19.00 (GMT) Friday 6th March 2009


After a long rest at Matruh, the Viva Palestina convoy started the day late by heading east. Apparently, some were so exhausted that they slept on till late morning.
Divided into groups to make the drive and escort manageable, they were planning to stop for Friday prayers along the way. Some groups were delayed and could not make it.
They are driving to JEMSA (GEMSA) on the coast, their next location for the night. I am told that it is looking like midnight by the time the last vehicle reaches the coastal town. A reception and dinner is being organised by the local authorities.
On that note, Akhbar Elyom newspaper reported today that the General Secretariat of the National Party is overseeing the reception and monitoring the progress of the convoy across various provinces. Working groups have been set up to ensure the various services are provided to the convoy such as accommodation, food and fuel. Young guides and helpers will be on hand to assist convoy members when they stop in their cities.
According to AlJazeera.net today, a source from the convoy confirmed that the name of the convoy has been changed to 'SOUAD VIVA PALESTINA' as a sign of respect and commemoration for the Libyan journalist Souad Abu Shiba after her tragic death whilst travelling to cover the convoy story.
Some extra good news arrived today from Egypt where the SCOTTISH MEDICAL AID CONVOY arrived this morning in the Red Sea port of Nuweiba. They will be heading north through the Sinai.

The 'Souad Viva Palestina' convoy is expected to set off in the morning for the East El Salam Bridge where they will stop for lunch, then a long drive will follow for the town of El Arich where a rally is expected to take place from 7.00pm.

Translated and prepared by Farid Arada
Saturday: 07-03-09
10am Short press conference
2pm Rest at EAST AL SALAM BRIDGE- Dinner
4pm Set off for EL ARICH
7pm Dinner and overnight stay

Sunday: 08-03-09
10am Public Rally at EL ARICH
11am head for RAFAH CROSSING
12 noon deliver aid to GAZA.
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Date d'inscription : 25/11/2008

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptySam Mar 07, 2009 12:17 pm

des nouvelles du convoi le 07.03.09

Quatre membres 'Viva Palestina' se voient refuser l'entrée en Egypte.

Quatre militants, en direction de Gaza avec le convoi d'aide humanitaire "Viva la Palestine", ont été refoulés vers la Libye.

Les quatre membres ont été identifiés comme Stephen Gray, Richard Burton, Shams et Suppin Razaq Azam Hussein.

«Les autorités égyptiennes n'ont donné d’explications sur les raisons pour lesquelles ces hommes doivent être séparés du convoi. dit Yvonne Ridley, correspondante Press TV membre du convoi_.

Elle a ajouté que le convoi a été chaleureusement accueilli par les autorités égyptiennes, des dignitaires locaux et des fonctionnaires, mais son mouvement a été en même temps sévèrement limité en raison d'un grand nombre de véhicules de police et les officiers d’escorte jusqu’à Rafah.

Pendant ce temps, le convoi a été invité à se déplacer en groupes de vingt, qui a encore réduit sa vitesse.
Press TV.
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Date d'inscription : 14/11/2006

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptyDim Mar 08, 2009 10:53 am

Ils y sont presque, je viens de les voir d'ailleurs sur PressTV, une partie du convoi est effectivement arrivée à la ville frontalière d'Al Arich, mais ils doivent attendre que tout le convoi arrive pour commencer à traverser le poste frontière de Rafah.... Mais certains n'auront pas la chance d'arriver à Ghazza, ils rentrent chez eux à partir de la Libye.....
Viva Palestina Convoy Update
22.30 (GMT) Saturday 7th March


The Souad Viva Palestina convoy is entering the town of El Arich after a long trek of 10 hours on the roads and motorways of Egypt.
Gaza is within touching distance and the dreams and aspirations of so many members of this magnificent adventure will be realised tomorrow when they enter Gaza carrying not only aid, but also the hopes of the millions to see the siege broken.
Today, the convoy members had to endure a hard journey as they were escorted throughout by the Egyptian authorities who dictated a pace that was extremely frustrating. They only stopped on a couple of occasions after setting off from Jamsa - and did not stop as planned at the El Salam Bridge.
The convoy is now being taken to their accommodation. A press conference and speeches were planned but as it is very late in the night, this may be shelved.
According to the Palestinian Information Centre bulletin this evening, the 'Justice for Palestine' Scottish convoy managed to get into Gaza late this afternoon after the Egyptian authorities gave permission for the crossing to take place at Rafah.
To our knowledge the convoy includes 20 members in 10 vehicles carrying vital medical aid and equipment for the people of Gaza.
This convoy crossed into Gaza after 60 female American peace activists managed earlier to cross the Rafah gate to show their support to the women of Gaza, on the eve of International Women’s Day, and to call for the lifting of the siege.
Many news agencies and reporters are awaiting the arrival of this phenomenal convoy. Al Jazzera reports that their crew has been prevented from reporting the arrival of the convoy at El Arich.
Tonight, El Arich will experience something special when the people of this town will witness at first hand the arrival of the saviours of Gaza. They will see lorries, vans, cars, driven by humble human beings coming in peace - carrying vital aid and supplies - and answering the critics and sceptics who doubted the aims of this noble mission.
Tonight, the western mass media remains silent in its coverage of this massive story, a story created by the people of Britain, with aid coming from the people of Britain.
By ignoring the cries of the people of Gaza, once again, Gaza exposes the hypocrisy, double standards and opportunism of the British media.
But the British people can see through this injustice, and like never before, Gaza has broken into many British homes and has touched many British hearts.
Prepared and translated by Farid Arada

First Convoy heroes return

The four Viva Palestina convoy members refused entry to Egypt are currently on their way to Tripoli, in Libya. Viva Palestina have booked them flights on KLM to return to the UK via Amsterdam on Sunday 8th March. These four men, who drove so hard and so far for Gaza, only to to turned back at the border, deserve a heroes welcome. Manchester Viva Palestina will be welcoming them back at the Manchester Airport tomorrow evening. If you are able to join the welcoming party please come to Terminal 2 for 9.30pm on Sunday evening (please check website for any changes).
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Nombre de messages : 2299
Date d'inscription : 14/11/2006

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptyDim Mar 08, 2009 11:27 am

La "question" palestinienne, mais plus encore la dernière agression israélienne contre Ghazza a fini de mettre en évidence le Mensonge, l'Hypocrisie et la Lacheté du Monde régi par le deux poids-deux mesures.... Ghazza aura réussi, malheureusement par le sang à mettre le Monde face à lui-même, et ce qu'il a vu n'est pas agréable : son image n'est pas belle du tout, elle est moche, très très moche....

Viva Palestina Email Alert
Midnight, Sunday 8th March 2009

A message from the Viva Palestina website
Viva Palestina is your story

Thirty years ago, as an 11-year-old boy, I remember eagerly awaiting 5.05pm on a Monday and Thursday for the start of Blue Peter. I, like millions of other children, was desperate for our first glimpse of the totaliser – the bright flashing lights showing us how much money we had raised between programmes for that year’s Blue Peter Appeal. The 1979 appeal, with it's bring and buy sales, had been launched after the horrors of Cambodia’s ‘killing fields’ had been exposed to the world.

And it wasn’t just children who wanted to know – the weekly total was reported on the national news and in the national papers, journalists sought out heart-warming stories of those who had given up their toys, clothes and books to help the impoverished and destitute thousands of miles away in South East Asia.

Working on the website for Viva Palestina I have had the daily task of making our own appeal totaliser reflect the generosity of another generation. Each day I’ve been overwhelmed by the scale of the donations and the stories that accompany them – of a four year old child in Manchester who emptied her piggy bank for the children of Gaza and so spurred her family into raising over £1,600; of the four girls in Torquay who baked cakes to sell at their school, of the hundreds of children in Preston who packed shoeboxes with toys and presents for other children whom they had never met. These stories have been repeated up and down the country – and they are a shining tribute to Britain at its best.

And just as in 1979 they should have been reported - shouted from the rooftops and celebrated in articles in the Sunday colour supplements.

Here was a truly incredible story – of an aid mission that in just eight weeks had galvanised community after community to create a convoy of over 100 vehicles, laden with over £1 million of aid and then driven over 5000 miles and two continents to relieve the suffering in Gaza.

And it was a movement that was created from scratch, with no full time staff - just a website, a few blogs, text messages, public meetings and a million conversations. Surely this would be worth reporting; surely this was news….

But the sad reality is that the Viva Palestina convoy, carrying the love and human solidarity from the people of Britain to the people of Gaza has been deemed un-newsworthy by nearly all of the British media.

The BBC, who next week will entreat us all to do ‘something funny for money’ in aid of Comic Relief has felt fit to mention the Convoy just three times on its website (and once hidden away in the Africa pages). The Guardian, that bastion of ‘liberal Britain’ only reported it once it thought it had the makings of a nasty little smear. The Independent showed its ‘independence’ by spiking a column by Mark Steel, which discussed Viva Palestina.

We did get media coverage from abroad – from France and Spain, Italy, Canada and a host of other countries but in Britain we had to rely on the work of a few journalists on local newspapers who still recognise a good story when they see one.

One can’t help but wonder how the national media would have responded had the convoy been headed for Darfur instead of Gaza - or had not been supported so over-whelmingly by Britain’s beleaguered Muslim community. Perhaps we may have even have made it onto Blue Peter.

Depressingly, our most prominent publicity came when nine of our convoy members were arrested in the piece of pure political theatre on the M65 - the day before the convoy departed. Yet the same media outlets, that reported the arrests with such gusto on the day of departure, chose to ignore or downgrade the news that all nine men were entirely innocent and had been released without charge. Even the terrible damage to community relations in Blackburn and Burnley resulting from these arrests was not a news-worthy topic for Britain’s ‘quality’ press.

The Viva Palestina convoy has been a remarkable achievement; it has overcome a virtual media blackout, the cynical arrests of some of its members and the refusal of banks to allow us to open accounts.

Yet despite all this we are now just a few hours away from taking our aid into Gaza. The vehicles and their contents represent the hopes of millions and the solidarity of whole communities: of families, mosques, churches and schools. Whatever happens at the Rafah crossing today – and we hope and pray for a swift and smooth crossing into Gaza – Viva Palestina has been a remarkable story.

It is a story that has only just begun. Its first chapter lasted just one hectic month from an inspired idea hatched by George Galloway in early January to the departure on Valentine’s Day in London’s Hyde Park. Its second chapter, the journey itself, is almost over and we hope it will soon be told in a film, report back meetings and, it has been suggested, perhaps a book as well.

The story will now continue into its third chapter with the distribution of the convoy’s aid and the purchase and delivery of even more – from water-purification systems for schools and neighbourhoods to a field hospital and medical equipment for the injured, tents for the homeless and much more. Convoy members will return with the names of clinics, schools and communities with which to twin their local communities in Britain.

If our media, whose own cynicism has been so badly exposed by their silence, continue to write Viva Palestina out of the news then we must do all we can to spread the news ourselves. We have shown that what ordinary people do can make a real difference - and perhaps that is what the editors and news-chiefs hate most of all. Or maybe we just didn't have enough celebrities driving the fire engine!

So in the quiet moments before the crossing I would like to thank all those who have worked so hard for this project. Those who collected the aid, sorted it, packed it and filled the vehicles; those who donated online - from over thirty five countries across the globe – and who filled the collecting tins and buckets; the drivers with their legendary endurance and those who found time to blog their stories; the local newspaper journalists who reported the convoy and the journalists who wrote stories that their editors refused to print: to the people who sent in their pictures and video clips to the website - and finally to Farid Arada who kept us all up to date with his daily reports on the convoy’s location. The Viva Palestina story is your story.

The investigative journalist John Pilger, who broke the news of Cambodia’s ‘killing fields’ three decades ago, has made a film called ‘Palestine is still the issue’ - and he is right. The convoy story is but one bright spark in the ongoing tragedy of Palestine and its courageous people. The issue remains to be resolved but Viva Palestina has taken us one step closer to a solution – a solution based on solidarity, co-operation and love.

Clive Searle
Viva Palestina website
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Nombre de messages : 2299
Date d'inscription : 14/11/2006

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptyDim Mar 08, 2009 5:02 pm

Ils sont tous à Rafah, mais le passage n'est pas encore tout à fait possible, on dirait bien.... inchallah....
A Viva Palestina Convoy Update
12 .30 (GMT) Sunday 8th March


They are all at the Rafah crossing point. All members of the convoy made it, joined by supporters of Viva Palestina who flew out from the UK yesterday.
Sadly, it was not the end of their gruelling journey as they are finding life difficult at the border.
Press TV reports that leaders of the convoy including George Galloway and deputy leader Talat Ali and Nazir are in intense negotiations with the Egyptians. Reports coming to us suggest that they expect every vehicle to be allowed to cross today.
However, Yvonne Ridley reports on Press TV that there are rumours that there is an attempt to move some of the convoy to Israeli controlled crossings. Members of the convoy are united in their determination to cross at the Rafah border crossing. The Libyan contingent, which comprises 100 trucks, is adamant that under NO circumstances they will cross through an Israeli controlled crossing. Will keep you updated.
Ahmed Al-Najjar, the deputy manager of the reception committee in Gaza confirms that the key to the opening of the Rafah crossing is with Egypt. The Viva Palestina convoy is another nail in the coffin of the siege according to Mr Al-Najjar.
A reception will take place at the gate of the Rafah crossing where the convoy will be greeted with flowers and flags. Then they will taken through the Salah Eddine main road to Gaza City where they will witness the destruction that the Israelis inflicted on the Palestinian people.
After a rest and gathering in Katiba Square, the convoy will be divided into groups, some staying in Rafah, some in Khan Younes and the rest in the North.

* See latest Press TV video clip here
Prepared and translated by Farid Arada


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Nombre de messages : 2299
Date d'inscription : 14/11/2006

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptyDim Mar 08, 2009 8:07 pm

Viva Palestina Convoy Update
15.30 (GMT) Sunday 8th March


The Viva Palestina convoy is still stuck 40km from the Rafah border crossing at Al Arish after it was being prevented from progressing through the border gates to Gaza.
During the day new obstacles have been placed in the path of the convoy passing into Gaza via the Rafar crossing.
However, the whole convoy is determined to stay united in purpose and in one piece - and that all vehicles and equipment including the convoy's mascot, the red fire engine as well as the boat and the Bolton generator will enter Gaza together.
George Galloway and other convoy leaders have been involved in lengthy negotiations all day with the Egyptians to find a solution and remove these new obstacles. Negotiations will carry on for the rest of the day but it does look likely that the convoy will not cross into Gaza today. Indeed, Yvonne Ridley reports, from the Viva Palestina compound in Al Arish, that these is now a football match taking place between the British and Libyan drivers
Members of the convoy have found themselves extremely frustrated.
But everyone is hopeful that the humanitarian aid they have carried for 24 days over 10,000km, across seven countries and two continents, entering their third continent yesterday, will finally reach the needy and destitute people and children of Gaza without any further delays.
Will keep you updated.
On a brighter note, the Scottish Medical Aid convoy which passed into Gaza yesterday reports that they have distributed all their medical aid to the Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza – including the keys to their trucks. They await the passage of our convoy and send their solidarity greetings.
Farid Arada and Clive Searle

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Date d'inscription : 14/11/2006

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptyLun Mar 09, 2009 11:41 am

Viva Palestina Email Alert
23.30 (GMT) Sunday 8th March

VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 Arish3


Tonight, the Viva Palestina aid convoy is spending the night in Al Arish close to the Rafah crossing after an eventful day. At one point everything seemed to point out to a smooth crossing until they hit new obstacles, which were not resolved later in the day (see earlier posts)
Some Libyan trucks carrying medical aid have been allowed through. There is a consensus though amongst the members of the convoy that no vehicle will go through any Israeli controlled crossing. The motto is 'ALL for one and one for ALL'.
They are hopeful that early in the morning, they will start their final leg of a very long journey and roll into Gaza - where thousands of Palestinians have waited all day at the gates of Rafah to greet and welcome them.
Children were left in tears, disappointed on hearing the news that their heroes were being prevented from crossing.
I am told by team leaders that a security system has been set up to ensure the safety of the convoy members tonight. Relatives should not be worried, everybody is pulling together and the spirits remain high.
I am also told that the Egyptian Red Crescent is in the process of unloading some vehicles of food and clothing destined to the Gaza people. Some vans have completely been emptied.
Negotiations will resume in the morning as to the inclusion of the fire engine, the generator and the boat in the crossing.
The world is watching an event of epic proportions. The Egyptian people would love to see a bunch of brave men and women - who have travelled so far and got so close to achieving their goal and completing their mission - be allowed to deliver their aid and be embraced by the people of Gaza.
Farid Arada
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Date d'inscription : 14/11/2006

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptyLun Mar 09, 2009 11:46 am

Viva Palestina Email Alert
08.00 (GMT) Monday 9th March 2009

On the move

The convoy has started to move out of the two car parks in Al Arish and onto the road to Rafah. At 7.55 (GMT) George's party reported that the first of the two car parks was now almost empty. It took 90 minutes for all the vehicles to leave. They were waiting for the second group of vehicles to get on the road. George intended his vehicle to be the last to leave - to ensure the safe departure of the entire convoy.
Negotiations with the Egyptian authorities have continued. Some non-medical aid was unloaded, in the line with the outcome of the negotiations, and has been handed over to the Egyptian Red Crescent for delivery by them to Gaza.
The convoy expects to cross later today into Gaza.

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Date d'inscription : 14/11/2006

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptyLun Mar 09, 2009 6:22 pm

En attendant les mises à jour à partir du site web officiel de l'action VIVA PALESTINA, je peux affirmer parce que je l'ai suivi sur ASSAA et sur Aljazeera English, la Caravane est entrée dans Ghazza.....
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Nombre de messages : 2299
Date d'inscription : 14/11/2006

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptyLun Mar 09, 2009 8:06 pm

Conférence de presse en ce moment même sur Aljazeera LIve.... sinon, voici une mise à jour...
Viva Palestina Update
15.30 (GMT) Monday 9th March 2009


And they entered side by side like heroes, some on foot some in their vehicles, tears, smiles, hugs, flowers. It was historic, it was legendary. Gaza we are here. We have fulfilled the promise - Viva Palestina! The lifeline from the people of Britain to you, the people of Gaza, has arrived.
We have broken the barriers, we have opened closed borders, we have defied the odds,we have overcome the challenges across thousands of miles and three continents. We are here to be with you, to embrace you, to share your tragedy with you.
After another morning of intense negotiations, a deal was reached to allow all of the members of the convoy to go through. In the end, Viva Palestina had to make the sacrifice of agreeing that some vehicles will have to cross the border from the Al Ouja Israeli controlled crossing point. This includes our mascot, the fire engine and the boat. This was due to the restrictions imposed by Egyptian law governing the Rafah Crossing.
A tearful Talat Ali told me that 'Rafah is the most beautiful crossing in the world', he also said that the time , effort and sacrifices put in by all the Viva Palestina family meant that history has been made today - on the day the prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was born.
George Galloway made an emotional speech thanking the people of Gaza for the wonderful reception and assuring them that for Viva Palestina and in our millions, "WE ARE ALL PALESTINIANS!" George also reiterated that the people of Palestine have voted and that their voice should be respected.
Today the convoy will head along the Salah Eddine road towards Gaza City witnessing along the way the destruction and death caused by the Israeli war machine. Along the way they will be greeted by the people of Gaza who will know that Viva Palestina is here and that they will NEVER BE ALONE.
Farid Arada
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Nombre de messages : 2299
Date d'inscription : 14/11/2006

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptyLun Mar 09, 2009 8:51 pm

Yvonne Ridley reports from Viva Palestina
9th March 2009


The last 24 hours have probably been the blackest since the Viva Palestina convoy set off from London.

Yesterday the convoy members became the target of an orchestrated wave of violence first started by Egyptian police and then culminating in vicious attacks by unknown thugs.

The end result was a number of peace activists whose only aim is to take humanitarian aid into war torn Gaza were treated in hospital for head injuries.

Mercifully the string of casualties was not too serious but the experience denied us the chance of fulfilling our mission to deliver aid to Gaza yesterday.

And dramatic images of the rioting and attacks could not be relayed to Press TV viewers because someone sabotaged the satellite van by deliberately cutting through a vital cable which would have beamed the shameful attacks across the world.

However, every cloud has a silver lining and I would like to take this opportunity of personally thanking the Egyptian authorities and those dark forces who tried to derail Viva Palestina.

The event has only served to make us stronger, unite and bond us together more and created a wave of international media interest in Viva Palestina.

I think it would be fair to say that when you bring a diverse group of 300 plus people together on a gruelling mission to cover 5,000 miles driving across North Africa the result can result in a less than harmonious state of affairs.

To be frank, there was friction and infighting and some of us generally got on each other's nerves as you would when you are confined to close quarters with challenging living, sleeping and eating conditions.

However, the deliberate bloody-mindedness of the Egyptian authorities did something we had failed to do for ourselves ... it caused us to unite, bond and emerge stronger than ever from underneath the rows of police batons, bricks, bottles and stones.

The trouble began when the police - who were only obeying their orders - tried to break up the convoy into small groups of medical and non medical aid. We were told the first would go through the Rafah crossing while the latter would go through an Israeli checkpoint.

This was never going to be accepted by anyone on board the convoy. Our aim from the outset was simple: Rafah or bust.

Giving aid to the people of Gaza has nothing to do with the Israelis and I do wish they would stop trying to make themselves centre stage in an affair that does not involve Tel Aviv.

As we dug in our heels about the convoy being physically divided, the authorities decided there was only one solution - batter us into submission, after all that is what police states do.

And so, when the police tried to get physical, the convoy members followed their natural instincts and used passive resistance to defend themselves.

Egyptian police are obviously not used to confronting stroppy westerners in such large numbers and so they retreated while a second wave was sent in. Hundreds of riot squad officers, wearing visors, carrying shields and batons tumbled in to one of the two car parks in a large town centre compound in the port of al Arish and set about the unarmed peace activists.

They too were heroically repelled and what followed was an uneasy stand off as some convoy members received medical attention.

The net result was scores of vehicles had been able to escape the compound in which they were being held behind metal police barriers.

It was a minor victory and what followed was a very British response - the lads decided to have a game of football. I did try to persuade the Egyptian police to join in stressing they would have much more fun kicking a ball instead of kicking my comrades, but they seemed reluctant to let go of their batons.

As the night drew in the convoy leader George Galloway who was 40 kilometres down the road, was made aware of the battle of al Arish and so he refused to cross the Rafah Border in to Gaza and returned to the convoy.

It was a hard call to make as the international media had gathered at Rafah for a party that never happened. As usual the Israelis also played to stereotype by shelling and bombing parts of Gaza.

By the time Britain's best known parliamentarian reached the compound night had fallen and bright stadium-style lights illuminated the two car parks.

Suddenly the area was plunged into darkness by a powercut which coincided with a brick, bottle and stone attacks on the convoy members by youths in their late teens and 20s. Seconds before the lights went out some convoy members saw a couple of unidentified men scrawling anti-Hamas slogans on lorries.

The lights remained out for some minutes, during which time the vicious attack was unleashed - the whole proceedings failed to warrant one single Egyptian police officer to swing his baton into action.

Those who had wielded their sticks with such a passion before, stood impassively by and watched the onslaught.

The power kicked back in again and the bright lights illuminated the scene to reveal several convoy members lying dazed and confused, blood dripping from gaping head wounds.

While they were ferried to hospital for treatment, there was a second powercut and a repeat of the violence.

Once again the police stood by and watched the thugs launch their attacks on unarmed and defenceless members of Viva Palestina.

Galloway, incandescent with rage held an urgent meeting with the governor of the region and secured assurances this would not happen again. He also secured a pledge that the convoy would be allowed to make its way to the Rafah crossing for 6am on Monday.

We're now only a few hours away from that deadline and it remains to be seen if the governor will keep his word.

But regardless of what he decides I want to thank him for pulling every single member of Viva Palestina into one, united front.

Thanks to him and the cack-handed police operation, Viva Palestina has emerged refocussed and stronger than ever with one, determined goal: Rafah or bust.

And it will happen, inspite of the best efforts of Tel Aviv meddling and Egyptian authorities' bullying.

The people united can never be defeated.

Gaza, next stop.
* British journalist Yvonne Ridley and award-winning film-maker Hassan al Banna Ghani are on the Viva Palestina convoy making a documentary about the journey from London to Gaza. her website is www.yvonneridley.org and you can follow her updates by Twitter or Facebook
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Nombre de messages : 2299
Date d'inscription : 14/11/2006

MessageSujet: Re: VIVA PALESTINA   VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 EmptyMar Mar 10, 2009 10:12 am

VIVA PALESTINA - Page 4 Refar2

"Our eyes are brimming with tears of love, joy and hope. Our love and gratitude can not be expressed in words, may Allah taala grant you and all those who have played a part in ''VIVA PALESTINA'' , ease in this life. May he shower his mercy and forgiveness on you all and grant you a lofty place in Jannah. Ameen"
On behalf of all in Global Help Initiative for Palestine ''HI''
Al-Nusirate refugees camp - Gaza strip - Palestine

Here are just some of the emails we have received at the website. We are so proud of our convoy members, supporters and of everyone who never gave up hope. Viva, Viva Palestina!

I have been watching this journey since it started off as well as blogging on it. I am in awe of what you have all accomplished. Some of us can only write and spread the word. And we are in awe of those of you who are doing such wondrous feats. You set an example that borders can, and will, be crossed. On of the first 'hold your breath moments' in Morocco/Algeria was passed. The men held in the UK were cleared and released, and then the rough roads afterward until you reached the Rafah border. There was a reason for the delays. Maybe it was so you could all enter on the day of birth of Rasulallah. It adds a special tone to the accomplishment that you entered the holy land on this day. The political games were all hit with walls that only Allah could have created. Nothing stopped you! Now for the rest of the world to stand up and do the same!
Much love to all the Viva Palestina people and to the people of Palestine. Although we're not standing there with you, we are with you. We're ALL Palestinian! And we are made stronger by your strength.
May Allah bless each of you with copious rewards, high places in Jannah and ease in this life and the next. Ameen - Dee Saville, Michigan, USA

Congratulations to all who defied the odds and touched the lives of the people of Gaza. - Khalil

Every act of aggression should be met by an act of peace. So with the aggression shown by the Egyptians, comes another donation from me for the peace convoy that is, Viva Palastina. Well done for making it into Gaza. - Mark, Ilford.

Thank you for bringing us such amazing news. It's a colossal achievement of great significance and I send my heartfelt congratulations to George, to the organisers, the fund-raisers, the givers, the communicators and above all, the men and women of the convoy who carried not only vital supplies, but the love and compassion of millions of British people. Viva Palestina indeed! Best regards - Richard

"Absolutely amazing! Very Very well done to all involved – I am unbelievably happy that the convoy got through and would like you to pass on my thanks to all those brave people who did it." - Michele de Broglio

As a palestinian never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect anyone to cross into Palestine, I cannot begin to explain what this journey mean to all Palestinians around the world. Love to all - Carol and family

To all concerned, I cannot express how proud I am of all of you and how immense this task is, I'm shaking reading your email and have been moved to tears of sheer joy and a overwhelming admiration at your courage and resilience. You truly have my sincerest thanks for undertaking such an incredible mission. From my heart, I salute all of you. You are amazing! - Kind regards, Derek Hayward

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, I have tears in my eyes!
I love you, - Frigga

Beautiful, beautiful news. Rejoice! - Lee

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign salutes the courage and tenacity of all the participants in the Viva Palestina Convoy which has broken the blockade of Gaza at the Egyptian controlled Rafah crossing.
Betty Hunter, General Secretary of Palestine Solidarity Campaign said: “This is a historic event which should shame both the British and the Egyptian governments for their complicity in the collective punishment of the Palestinian people of Gaza. It is yet another example of the growing support here in Britain for justice for the Palestinians despite our government’s cowardly acquiescence in the relentless Israeli propaganda which justifies its war crimes and illegal occupation.” - PSC

I'm so proud of you guys! I was born in England in 1935 and lived in London through the Blitz so know what it's like first hand to be a child walking through bomb damage to school. I was deeply affected by the Gaza bombing and had flash-backs to when I was small. I found it all so very shocking. I repeat I am so very proud of you all.
I am incandescent with anger about the news blackout. Most of all by the BBC which seems to be a Government propaganda machine. I live in Farnham, Surrey and my MP is Jeremy Hunt, who is Shadow Secretary for Sport, Media and Culture, and I will be contacting him to provide me, as a constituent, with answers. Rest assured, I will hold his feet to the fire! Bless you all! Much love, - Patricia

Assalamu-aliakum-wa Rahmatullah
I watched every second of the convoy entering GAZA through the Rafah crossing. I was so happy I thought my heart would jump out and do a highland fling
Instead I cried, did 2 rakat and made du'a. I thanked our Allmighty Allah S.W.T for His mercy on this blessed day. May Allah S.W.T. accept our charity. I am so happy and very proud to be muslim and British. Thank you all. - Elizabeth

Farid, This must have been a truly emotional moment. Thank for putting it into such beautiful words for us all to share a piece of the emotion. Thank you to all of you for conveying what so many of us feel. Thank you. - Shazia Choudri , New York


REEEEESULT! - Sheila Jones

MasaAllah. May Allah bless you all. May Allah show the days which all Muslim Countries will be united and not a single Muslim will be hurt. - Sister Nayar


Subhan allah, N ever thought that you would make it past husli mubaaruck and into gaza, but you have done it, and that too on the most blissfull day of the year: 12th rabiyal awwal, the birthday of muhammed salalahu alaihi was sallam. a great congratulations to all the brothers and sisters that are travelling with the convoy, and especially to mr george galloway and yvonne ridley, they have made it, their dreams have come true. victory to palestine and to all the brave people in gaza. - Maryam

OOOOOH!!!!! BLOODY FANTASTIC!!!! you're heroes!!!! - love - joyce giblin

Thank you all for the amazing job you've done, we are so unbelievably proud of each and every one of you. You are True Heroes!!!!!! May God bless you all. We are all so proud of you - Allah oAkbar - Ibrahim

In The name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful.
First of all, many thanks to Clive for your daily emails, and we thank Allah for the achievements of the convoys main aim which is entering the holy land of palestine. And we thank all the heros of the Viva Palestina convoy every one by his/her name, you have broken the siege of Gaza and we ask Allah the Almighty help you to organize an other convoy to liberate the holy Quds Inshallah as our dear Mr Galloway Said, thank you, May Allah Bless you all, we will not forget you so don't forget us. - Larbi Albakali

Good girl Yvonne and everybody on this convoy of compassion God bless - Theresa, London

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